Making Decisions is Like a Trip to the Ice Cream Shop
Turn Thoughts into Things and Dreams into Reality

Making Decisions is Like a Trip to the Ice Cream Shop

For a while I have known that job search coaching is not my passion but rather something that I just know and am comfortable providing my expertise.  It does not rock my world though because most people get caught up in the resumes and cover letters, and a great job search experience with awesome results is a lot more about a person’s mindset and their appreciation of their own value than about paperwork.  So in May, I entered into a 12 month coaching certification program and began thinking about the possible niches that I felt compelled to serve.  One of the downsides to being a person that sees possibility and opportunities all around me is that I often feel overwhelmed with the myriad of options, and inevitably I get stuck and end up in limbo until something pushes me one way or the other.

My patience for that “sign” of which way to go was running thin, so a few weeks ago I asked God to help me make a decision.  Within three hours of my request a client contacted me to let me know that she wanted to work on how to make a good decision because she too had several options presenting themselves to her for her future.  Perfect!  It is much easier for me to think about a subject in terms of someone else’s life than it is for my own life.  In addition, over the course of the next four or five days I received the SAME message from five different sources…”It does not matter what decision you make, which path you choose from the many possibilities, go with the one that most inspires you AND THEN PUT EVERYTHING INTO IT!  I felt like God had jumped in a plane and was writing this message across the sky.

I have a tendency to take on too much and spread myself too thin, and ultimately nothing gets the focus and energy it deserves.  This message, to just pick one and then put everything I’ve got into moving in that direction, was just what I needed to hear.  And now, I’m really looking forward to “digging in!”

How about you?  Do you find yourself overwhelmed with choices?  Try listening to your heart to get a sense of which one feels the best to you.  Make the statement, “I have decided _______________” and then DIG IN and give it all you’ve got.


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