Are your thoughts aligned with your goal?
Turn Thoughts into Things and Dreams into Reality

Category Archives:Career Progression

Are your thoughts aligned with your goal?

What does it mean to “align your thoughts with your goal” and why is it worth your time?


The short and simple answer to why it’s worth your time to align your thoughts with your goals – dreams – desires – is because doing so makes the journey faster, easier and more enjoyable.  Think “flow.”  Thoughts that are contrary to what you are wanting to achieve or experience, however, make the process slower, more complicated and more stressful.  Think “struggle.”

We don’t consciously choose to do things the “hard” way, but when I ask the question, “What do you want?” people almost always respond in one of two ways: Read More

Category Archives:Career Progression

3 Thought Tweaks for Easier Manifesting in 2016

Knowing how to manifest and thinking the thoughts that make manifesting fun and easy are two very different things.  

The basic manifestation process is:

  1. Be as clear and specific as possible about what you want. “Begin with the end in mind,” as Stephen Covey puts it.  This gives you direction.
  2. Know why you want it. Know the essence of what you want to create and what that feels like.  This provides you with the motivation to take action.
  3. Believe that you can achieve your desire. This aligns you with your desire.  If you do not believe, you will not achieve…period.
  4. Trust that each step to your goal will unfold at the right time. This keeps you open to receive your next step.
  5. Take inspired action as each next step reveals itself. This gives you momentum and makes the journey fun.

Knowing this process is a good place to start, but unless your thoughts are in alignment with what you’re wanting, your journey is going to be difficult at best.  So here are 3 simple “thought tweaks” that will help you reach your goal more easily and have a lot of fun along the way: Read More

Category Archives:Career Progression

No Job Will EVER Make You Happy!

If you’re unhappy at work, frustrated because you can’t find that perfect job or angry at co-workers or bosses who are ruining your life at work, I have some wisdom to share…You’re looking for “love” in all the wrong places.

Our happiness at work, and everywhere else in life, is 100% dependent on what we think about ourselves and whatever is going on in our current experience.  Being happy is a choice that we make every moment of every day. The challenge is becoming aware of our thoughts and then consciously choosing thoughts that cause us to feel better about ourselves and our work.

Here are some simple things YOU can do to bring more joy and happiness into your work experience: Read More

Category Archives:Career Progression

Mindfulness: A Key to Productivity at Work | Talent Management

This is a wonderful article about creating “balance” and joy in our lives just by doing a little mind works.

Mindfulness: A Key to Productivity at Work | 2014-08-05 | ePublishing.

Even the best jobs cause stress, but meditation may be a tool people can use to mitigate its effects.

In her latest book, “Real Happiness at Work,” meditation teacher and author Sharon Salzberg says workers can use mindfulness and meditation to improve their work lives.

Salzberg, who is also co-founder of the Insight Meditation Society in Barre, Massachusetts, has also written other books, including “Real Happiness” and “Love Your Enemies.” She said it’s possible to be fully present, committed without being consumed, and to manage reactions and emotions to counterbalance stress and frustration so people can do better, more productive work. Read More

Category Archives:Career Progression

The Danger in Finding a New Job While Working a Job You HATE

Job_Search_Tip_of_the_Week_Job_You_Hate_Crosswalk_2The greatest danger related to looking for a new job while you’re currently employed in a job you hate (for whatever reason) is that you are very likely to end up right back in the same situation, just at a different location with different characters.  Why?  Because like attracts like, and your negative energy cannot attract anything but similar people and experiences into your life.

Emotions are energy in motion.  They create a vibration that emits from you out into the universe.  If you are angry, your vibration takes on an angry “frequency.”  Just like a radio… Read More

Category Archives:Career Progression

Job Search Tip of the Week: Use the Interview to Determine if the Job, Department & Organization are a Fit for YOU

Job_Search_Tip_of_the_Week_Interview_Questions_crosswalkThe Interview is about determining fit for both the employer AND the job seeker. The employer must decide if the candidate possesses the skills, experience, aptitude, mindset and personality considered important, if not required, to be successful in the position, department and organization as a whole. As the job seeker, it is YOUR responsibility to decide if the job, department, organization and culture are a fit for YOU. Otherwise, you are leaving your success with the organization to chance and risking re-entering job search mode in the not-too-distant future. Here are 3 questions to help you gain insight into whether the job, department and organization are a good fit for you: Read More

Category Archives:Career Progression

Seven Signs You’re Wasting Your Talent | LinkedIn

Great article by Liz Ryan!  Not all employers deserve you.  Make sure you and your work are appreciated and recognized, or find another employer.

Seven Signs You’re Wasting Your Talent | LinkedIn.

When we teach career development courses, we start with the basics:

You were born, so you have a reason to be here. You have a little flame inside you, and you’ve had it since you were tiny. Your job is to grow that flame. How will you do that? You’ll do it by listening carefully to your heart and to your body. You’ll be receptive to cues from the universe, no matter what form they take. Read More

Category Archives:Career Progression

Scientists join world of crowd funding

One of my favorite things about coaching is that I get to hear a lot of people’s great ideas for businesses and services they want to create.  I tell them there is a market for everything and to follow their heart.  Crowd funding is a great way to make these dreams come true.

Scientists join world of crowd funding.

NEW YORK (AP) — Duke University professor Kathleen Pryer has received her share of grant money. But for her newest project, she’s getting help from a retired nurse in Canada and a 17-year-old in Arkansas.

It’s her first foray into the modern-day world of crowdfunding, the practice of using the Internet to raise relatively small amounts of money from a lot of people to finance a project. It’s quite a departure from the normal sources of funding for scientific research, chiefly industry, government and philanthropies. Read More

Category Archives:Career Progression

The Most Common (And Harmful) Ways People Sabotage Their Own Success – Forbes

Guilty!  Been here, done all of these.  Great article with some very helpful tips.

The Most Common (And Harmful) Ways People Sabotage Their Own Success – Forbes.

Working with mid- to high-level career women who’ve achieved great things in their lives, I’ve watched professionals build and sustain tremendous success over time, and also witnessed behaviors that crush success, leaving dreams and goals shattered in pieces on the ground.

The behaviors that sabotage success fall into four key categories – in our relationship with ourselves, others, the world, and our higher selves. Read More