Life Doesn’t Have to be Perfect to be Awesome!
Turn Thoughts into Things and Dreams into Reality

Category Archives:Health

Life Doesn’t Have to be Perfect to be Awesome!

I thought about naming this article, “Can I Get a Do-Over for 2015?”  That was the first thought I had when I began thinking about what I want for 2016 and realized that the “list” was basically what I wanted for 2015.

We create our own reality through our thoughts, intentions and inspired actions, so I fully expected to easily achieve my goals.  Along the way, however, the road got quite rocky.  I won’t bore you with the details, but long story short…by the second half of 2015 an old back injury became so painful (9+ on a 10-point scale) that it significantly reduced my level of engagement and activity in every aspect of my life.

Most people know me as typically being very positive and hopeful, but this pain caused me to experience a lot of unwanted negativity:

  1. I was often irritable;
  2. I got annoyed and angry at the lack of responsiveness in my body;
  3. I was frustrated that I couldn’t “heal myself” through exercises, yoga and meditation;
  4. I was frustrated that my back and pain were distracting me from my business;
  5. I felt powerless at times;
  6. I allowed myself to get disconnected from the outside world.

I did not want this negativity to attract other similar experiences, so I found ways to relieve the pain temporarily so that I could focus on thinking more positive thoughts.  Read More

Category Archives:Health

It is Easier to Change My Diet than My Thoughts!

A healthy body is all about thought alignment.  If you don’t have the body you desire, it is because your thoughts are aligned with what you do NOT want rather than what you do want.  For instance, you may believe that in order to have a healthy, fit body you must eat only certain foods, monitor or restrict what you eat and work out to specific routines or for a certain amount of time.  Over time, however, you have been unable to integrate these changes into your day-to-day life and so you have the body you would EXPECT for someone who does not diet and exercise appropriately.  Your current physical state is because you BELIEVE you must do certain things to achieve balance with your natural health and well-being.  You BELIEVE that health and well-being are conditional…and in this example the conditions are diet and exercise. 

How do you explain then all those fit and trim individuals (like my son and my husband) who do not diet or exercise?  They eat what they enjoy and they do with their bodies also whatever they enjoy. Read More

Category Archives:Health

A Law of Attraction Prescription for Social Change

My latest article, which was published in the Expert Speakers’ monthly newsletter.  Something that I feel very strongly about…

A Law of Attraction Prescription for Social Change – vitalink | vitalink.

Using Ferguson, New York, Boston and Baltimore Events to Create a New Reality

By Karin Cross

Every experience in life is an opportunity to better define what is wanted for the future. From the perspective of right now, do you want more of the same or do you want something different? If you want more of the same, do nothing and continue to focus on what is. If you want something different, however, then your thoughts and actions must shift to reflect the change that is wanted. Creating a different experience is simply a matter of making a choice and lining up your thoughts and actions with this choice. This is the Law of Attraction at work – what you focus upon expands.

Recent events in Ferguson, New York, Boston and now Baltimore present all of us with the opportunity to look at what is and decide whether we want more of the same or something different.   If we want more of the same – fear, anger, frustration, powerlessness, loss – then we simply need to keep doing what we’re doing and continue to focus on what is – the details of each event, blame and the past. This is typically how we tend to respond – unconscious, reactionary and totally focused on the negative – and thus the reason that social change takes so long. Read More

Category Archives:Health

Mindfulness: A Key to Productivity at Work | Talent Management

This is a wonderful article about creating “balance” and joy in our lives just by doing a little mind works.

Mindfulness: A Key to Productivity at Work | 2014-08-05 | ePublishing.

Even the best jobs cause stress, but meditation may be a tool people can use to mitigate its effects.

In her latest book, “Real Happiness at Work,” meditation teacher and author Sharon Salzberg says workers can use mindfulness and meditation to improve their work lives.

Salzberg, who is also co-founder of the Insight Meditation Society in Barre, Massachusetts, has also written other books, including “Real Happiness” and “Love Your Enemies.” She said it’s possible to be fully present, committed without being consumed, and to manage reactions and emotions to counterbalance stress and frustration so people can do better, more productive work. Read More

Category Archives:Health

Change Your Moment, Your Day, Your Life, Your World – Breathe LOVE

Breathe LOVE

I want to teach the world to “breathe LOVE.”

Take a deep breath.  Let it out slowly…and again…and again.  As you breathe in, think of whomever or whatever you are wanting to uplift or support or connect to with your love, and FEEL the essence of that love deeply and unconditionally.  Just FEEL the love.  As you exhale, release each breath slowly and attach to its flow the love you are feeling in this moment.  Do this for 68 seconds, approximately 6 to 8 deep breaths in and out, at least once each day.  I recommend this as an afternoon rejuvenating exercise.  In fact, I propose we start a new workplace practice called, “the LOVE break.”  J

Why feel love and why 68 seconds? Read More