No Matter Who Wins, You Still Create Your Own Reality
Turn Thoughts into Things and Dreams into Reality

Category Archives:Your Future

No Matter Who Wins, You Still Create Your Own Reality

This certainly has been an interesting presidential election experience…for all of us.  Unfortunately, it has also been an incredibly divisive and disempowering to the American people.  Did you give away your power?

Have you been paying attention to the campaign?  If so, have you been noticing more negativity in your life recently?  Are you feeling angrier or more stressed?  Are you more skeptical and judgmental of people you don’t even know?  Are you fearful about the possible outcome of the presidential election?  Are you more worried about your future?  Are you feeling hopeless and like things are out of control? Read More

Category Archives:Your Future

Are your thoughts aligned with your goal?

What does it mean to “align your thoughts with your goal” and why is it worth your time?


The short and simple answer to why it’s worth your time to align your thoughts with your goals – dreams – desires – is because doing so makes the journey faster, easier and more enjoyable.  Think “flow.”  Thoughts that are contrary to what you are wanting to achieve or experience, however, make the process slower, more complicated and more stressful.  Think “struggle.”

We don’t consciously choose to do things the “hard” way, but when I ask the question, “What do you want?” people almost always respond in one of two ways: Read More

Category Archives:Your Future

Monday Morning Mindset

Monday morning is a great opportunity to reflect on what you want to achieve and how you want to feel by the end of the week .  To help everything come together easily for you, take a moment to also make sure your thoughts are focused on what you want instead of what you don’t want to experience. 

If you are thinking about the lack of … time – money – people – cooperation – resources … or if you are thinking that your week and work will be difficult and stressful, then you are thinking about what you don’t want.  Read More

Category Archives:Your Future

3 Thought Tweaks for Easier Manifesting in 2016

Knowing how to manifest and thinking the thoughts that make manifesting fun and easy are two very different things.  

The basic manifestation process is:

  1. Be as clear and specific as possible about what you want. “Begin with the end in mind,” as Stephen Covey puts it.  This gives you direction.
  2. Know why you want it. Know the essence of what you want to create and what that feels like.  This provides you with the motivation to take action.
  3. Believe that you can achieve your desire. This aligns you with your desire.  If you do not believe, you will not achieve…period.
  4. Trust that each step to your goal will unfold at the right time. This keeps you open to receive your next step.
  5. Take inspired action as each next step reveals itself. This gives you momentum and makes the journey fun.

Knowing this process is a good place to start, but unless your thoughts are in alignment with what you’re wanting, your journey is going to be difficult at best.  So here are 3 simple “thought tweaks” that will help you reach your goal more easily and have a lot of fun along the way: Read More

Category Archives:Your Future

3 Quick Questions for Finding Your Life Purpose | Vivid Life

Great article and questions that help you dig a little deeper into your purpose.  Ultimately, our purpose is joy.  Your job is to determine what brings you the most joy in life and to then follow the path that leads in that direction.

3 Quick Questions for Finding Your Life Purpose | Vivid Life.

Category Archives:Your Future

Day 105 of My Gratitude Practice

Recently, I’ve noticed 5 and 10 day gratitude challenges circulating around Facebook.  I’ve enjoyed reading some of the posts and thought it a bit humorous when a few began to grumble about running out of ideas to jot down on their lists.  Since today is my 105th consecutive day of writing 10 DIFFERENT “things” each day for which I am grateful, I thought I would share how this practice of gratitude has changed my perspective and my life.

The key to creating abundance in any area of your life – financial, love, peace, joy, fulfillment, health, etc. – is feeling abundant NOW.  You have to feel it in your bones every minute of every day.   Read More

Category Archives:Your Future

No Job Will EVER Make You Happy!

If you’re unhappy at work, frustrated because you can’t find that perfect job or angry at co-workers or bosses who are ruining your life at work, I have some wisdom to share…You’re looking for “love” in all the wrong places.

Our happiness at work, and everywhere else in life, is 100% dependent on what we think about ourselves and whatever is going on in our current experience.  Being happy is a choice that we make every moment of every day. The challenge is becoming aware of our thoughts and then consciously choosing thoughts that cause us to feel better about ourselves and our work.

Here are some simple things YOU can do to bring more joy and happiness into your work experience: Read More

Category Archives:Your Future

What is Your Calling?

Chances are, no matter what your current job is, you have the opportunity to fulfill your calling right now.  Many of us think that a “calling” is about a specific job or profession, and sometimes this is true.  For instance, most artists – from musicians and writers to wood workers and painters – feel that they are called and well equipped (meaning they have the talent) to do and be that.  I have always felt that these people are truly blessed to know exactly what brings joy to their hearts and to be able to then monetize it.  For the rest of us “differently” talented individuals, our callings are a bit more elusive and can take us half a lifetime to figure out.  It doesn’t have to be this way though.

Our calling, or purpose, unfolds throughout our lives.  It even changes depending upon our experiences and the opportunities that we dive into along the way.  Our calling evolves just as we do over the course of our lives.

So what if you’re in an ordinary job, surrounded by ordinary people?  Read More

Category Archives:Your Future

Change Your Moment, Your Day, Your Life, Your World – Breathe LOVE

Breathe LOVE

I want to teach the world to “breathe LOVE.”

Take a deep breath.  Let it out slowly…and again…and again.  As you breathe in, think of whomever or whatever you are wanting to uplift or support or connect to with your love, and FEEL the essence of that love deeply and unconditionally.  Just FEEL the love.  As you exhale, release each breath slowly and attach to its flow the love you are feeling in this moment.  Do this for 68 seconds, approximately 6 to 8 deep breaths in and out, at least once each day.  I recommend this as an afternoon rejuvenating exercise.  In fact, I propose we start a new workplace practice called, “the LOVE break.”  J

Why feel love and why 68 seconds? Read More

Category Archives:Your Future

Recruiting the Long-Term Unemployed

This is an excellent article for hiring managers, recruiters and the long term unemployed.  If you have been out of work for a while, you definitely need a story to tell interviewers about how you have used your time during this period.  It doesn’t matter whether you have used it to gain new skills, dabble in self-employment, volunteer your strengths and passions, or catch up on projects around the house.  What matters is that you are positive about your life in general and that you have used your time “productively.” Read More