Overwhelmed by “To-Do’s”?
Turn Thoughts into Things and Dreams into Reality

Category Archives:Workplace

Overwhelmed by “To-Do’s”?

Overwhelmed by so many To-Do’s?  It’s time to delegate to Universal Energy.

Feeling overwhelmed and paralyzed from the weight of having too much to do?  As an entrepreneur and a former HR professional, this stressful state is quite familiar to me. 

I’ve spent a lot of time pushing through and telling myself to work harder.  This strategy was never very effective though, and always left me tired, annoyed and even less productive.

When I learned about the Law of Attraction and the flow of Universal Energy, however, I began to understand what was happening during those times of overwhelm and how to tap into the productivity of Universal Energy to get more done in less time.  We can easily achieve so much more if our thoughts and energy are in alignment instead of working against each other. Read More

Category Archives:Workplace

Monday Morning Mindset

Monday morning is a great opportunity to reflect on what you want to achieve and how you want to feel by the end of the week .  To help everything come together easily for you, take a moment to also make sure your thoughts are focused on what you want instead of what you don’t want to experience. 

If you are thinking about the lack of … time – money – people – cooperation – resources … or if you are thinking that your week and work will be difficult and stressful, then you are thinking about what you don’t want.  Read More

Category Archives:Workplace

A Workplace Gratitude Model – The Dialog Mile

A Workplace Gratitude Model – The Dialog Mile

Through scientific research, case studies, and personal experience, we know that happiness and gratitude in the workplace significantly improve the overall performance of the organization and the general well-being of its employees.  Now it’s time for employers to integrate this knowledge into the culture and day-to-day practices of their organizations.

As I consider how we can better infuse gratitude into the workplace, I recall a wonderful workplace program that I had the pleasure of facilitating a few years back when I was the Director of HR for the Dialog Corporation.

When I joined Dialog, it was a mash-up of haphazardly integrated organizations, cultures and systems.  Employees in every department felt misunderstood, under-valued, under-utilized and unappreciated.  Even though we had a lot of talented people who wanted to do good work and provide great service, quality and efficiency were very low and the morale even lower.

One afternoon, a group of about ten employees (representing all of the departments) and one manager approached me about developing Read More

Category Archives:Workplace

Workplace Vibes

Thoughts that produce positive emotions emit high vibrations; thoughts that produce negative emotions emit low vibrations and make work a whole lot harder than it has to be.  As energy, our thoughts produce vibrations that go out into the Universe – the workplace, the organization, the marketplace, the community – and attract more of the same or similar experiences back to us.  Like attracts like and thus “what is” tends to continue to be.  This the reason that for some, the better it gets the better it gets while others stay stuck on that proverbial hamster wheel with never enough of what is needed most.

What’s your workplace vibe?  Do you think it is affecting the individuals associated with your business and your organization’s overall performance?  You can tell what your workplace vibe is by how it feels and by what’s going on in your workplace.  Take a look at just a few examples of high and low vibrations at work… Read More

Category Archives:Workplace

No Job Will EVER Make You Happy!

If you’re unhappy at work, frustrated because you can’t find that perfect job or angry at co-workers or bosses who are ruining your life at work, I have some wisdom to share…You’re looking for “love” in all the wrong places.

Our happiness at work, and everywhere else in life, is 100% dependent on what we think about ourselves and whatever is going on in our current experience.  Being happy is a choice that we make every moment of every day. The challenge is becoming aware of our thoughts and then consciously choosing thoughts that cause us to feel better about ourselves and our work.

Here are some simple things YOU can do to bring more joy and happiness into your work experience: Read More

Category Archives:Workplace

What is Your Calling?

Chances are, no matter what your current job is, you have the opportunity to fulfill your calling right now.  Many of us think that a “calling” is about a specific job or profession, and sometimes this is true.  For instance, most artists – from musicians and writers to wood workers and painters – feel that they are called and well equipped (meaning they have the talent) to do and be that.  I have always felt that these people are truly blessed to know exactly what brings joy to their hearts and to be able to then monetize it.  For the rest of us “differently” talented individuals, our callings are a bit more elusive and can take us half a lifetime to figure out.  It doesn’t have to be this way though.

Our calling, or purpose, unfolds throughout our lives.  It even changes depending upon our experiences and the opportunities that we dive into along the way.  Our calling evolves just as we do over the course of our lives.

So what if you’re in an ordinary job, surrounded by ordinary people?  Read More

Category Archives:Workplace

Mindfulness: A Key to Productivity at Work | Talent Management

This is a wonderful article about creating “balance” and joy in our lives just by doing a little mind works.

Mindfulness: A Key to Productivity at Work | 2014-08-05 | ePublishing.

Even the best jobs cause stress, but meditation may be a tool people can use to mitigate its effects.

In her latest book, “Real Happiness at Work,” meditation teacher and author Sharon Salzberg says workers can use mindfulness and meditation to improve their work lives.

Salzberg, who is also co-founder of the Insight Meditation Society in Barre, Massachusetts, has also written other books, including “Real Happiness” and “Love Your Enemies.” She said it’s possible to be fully present, committed without being consumed, and to manage reactions and emotions to counterbalance stress and frustration so people can do better, more productive work. Read More

Category Archives:Workplace

The Danger in Finding a New Job While Working a Job You HATE

Job_Search_Tip_of_the_Week_Job_You_Hate_Crosswalk_2The greatest danger related to looking for a new job while you’re currently employed in a job you hate (for whatever reason) is that you are very likely to end up right back in the same situation, just at a different location with different characters.  Why?  Because like attracts like, and your negative energy cannot attract anything but similar people and experiences into your life.

Emotions are energy in motion.  They create a vibration that emits from you out into the universe.  If you are angry, your vibration takes on an angry “frequency.”  Just like a radio… Read More

Category Archives:Workplace

Change Your Moment, Your Day, Your Life, Your World – Breathe LOVE

Breathe LOVE

I want to teach the world to “breathe LOVE.”

Take a deep breath.  Let it out slowly…and again…and again.  As you breathe in, think of whomever or whatever you are wanting to uplift or support or connect to with your love, and FEEL the essence of that love deeply and unconditionally.  Just FEEL the love.  As you exhale, release each breath slowly and attach to its flow the love you are feeling in this moment.  Do this for 68 seconds, approximately 6 to 8 deep breaths in and out, at least once each day.  I recommend this as an afternoon rejuvenating exercise.  In fact, I propose we start a new workplace practice called, “the LOVE break.”  J

Why feel love and why 68 seconds? Read More

Category Archives:Workplace

Avoid the Employer’s Black Hole…Establish a CONNECTION

Job_Search_Tip_of_the_Week_Black_Holes_crosswalkProbably the greatest frustration for job seekers is not hearing back from employers when they apply, email their resumes, send cover letters, leave voicemail messages and EVEN after interviewing.  I totally get it, and your frustration is justified.  However…your frustration is not serving you, and most employers are unlikely to change their current practices (at least, not any time soon).  So, what can YOU do to avoid the employer’s black hole?

80% of job offers originate with some sort of connection to the employer. It could be a currernt employee or someone who has worked there in the past.  These people are connected to other people at other workplaces, in the community and to their own circles of friends and family.  And some of them are connected to you. Read More