3 Quick Questions for Finding Your Life Purpose | Vivid Life
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3 Quick Questions for Finding Your Life Purpose | Vivid Life

Great article and questions that help you dig a little deeper into your purpose.  Ultimately, our purpose is joy.  Your job is to determine what brings you the most joy in life and to then follow the path that leads in that direction.

3 Quick Questions for Finding Your Life Purpose | Vivid Life.

What is Your Calling?

Chances are, no matter what your current job is, you have the opportunity to fulfill your calling right now.  Many of us think that a “calling” is about a specific job or profession, and sometimes this is true.  For instance, most artists – from musicians and writers to wood workers and painters – feel that they are called and well equipped (meaning they have the talent) to do and be that.  I have always felt that these people are truly blessed to know exactly what brings joy to their hearts and to be able to then monetize it.  For the rest of us “differently” talented individuals, our callings are a bit more elusive and can take us half a lifetime to figure out.  It doesn’t have to be this way though.

Our calling, or purpose, unfolds throughout our lives.  It even changes depending upon our experiences and the opportunities that we dive into along the way.  Our calling evolves just as we do over the course of our lives.

So what if you’re in an ordinary job, surrounded by ordinary people?  Read More

Making Decisions is Like a Trip to the Ice Cream Shop

For a while I have known that job search coaching is not my passion but rather something that I just know and am comfortable providing my expertise.  It does not rock my world though because most people get caught up in the resumes and cover letters, and a great job search experience with awesome results is a lot more about a person’s mindset and their appreciation of their own value than about paperwork.  So in May, I entered into a 12 month coaching certification program and began thinking about the possible niches that I felt compelled to serve.  One of the downsides to being a person that sees possibility and opportunities all around me is that I often feel overwhelmed with the myriad of options, and inevitably I get stuck and end up in limbo until something pushes me one way or the other. Read More