Open yourself to the immense love available to you from Self, Source, Mother Earth, and a sacred gathering of women.
Join Karin, Jasemin, Cathy and a Circle of Women on a journey of Self-Love and Restoration.
This Beach Retreat returns us to the subject and experience of LOVE and its sources. Mother Nature provides inspiration for reflection, action, growth, play, and connection. It is our intention that women leave this retreat feeling nurtured, nourished, and restored to their higher frequency of LOVE AND LIGHT. As with all of our Retreats, we know that the Circle of Women provides the best magic and healing of all and that everyone will leave with new friends and a grounded sense of belonging…of being home…of having a Tribe. This Retreat will host 23 women, including the Facilitators.
Friday, May 10th – Sunday, May 12th, 2024
Trinity Center
618 Salter Path Rd
Pine Knoll Shores, NC 28512
Double occupancy rooms. Each room has two beds and a private bathroom.
Provided by Trinity Center. Healthy and nutritious meals with fruits and nuts, veggies, and various protein options; coffee & tea. Accommodations will be made for special diet requirements.
Comfortable shoes and clothes, sweats, yoga pants, shorts, jacket, beach towel, beach blanket or chair, sunscreen.
Snacks for yourself or to share.
$444 includes food and lodging, guided self-love journey, ceremony, art and other activity materials. $100 deposit required – non-refundable if we cannot fill your space.
Register on Meetup, Facebook, or by email to and by sending your payment with a note of the event name and your email address to:
PayPal Friends and family to avoid fees please
Venmo @cathy-Grossbauer last 4 of phone are 7918
Cash app $soulyholistic
Zelle 570-954-7918
Credit cards accepted with an additional $5 fee email to ask for an invoice
Or contact Karin or Cathy directly to pay by check or credit card.
A $100 deposit is required to hold your space. The balance is due by May 1st. Due to the Trinity Center’s booking and cancelation policies, this deposit may or may not be refundable, depending on whether we can replace you if you cancel.
Located three hours from Raleigh – just north of Wilmington and between Emerald Isle and Atlantic Beach, Trinity Center is a sanctuary by the sea. An island refuge on the Southern Outer Banks. Come and walk their beaches or stand and watch the sunset on their sound-side pier, and perhaps catch a glimpse of the snowy white egret or majestic blue heron.
MORE INFORMATION about the Trinity Center.
Visit the Love Thyself Retreat Website to see pictures from previous retreats and information about other upcoming retreats.
It is NOT selfish or egotistical to pour into your own cup first, to care for and love yourself first. For it is then that you are truly able to love and care for others in a way that uplifts and benefits everyone.
Visit the Love Thyself Retreat Website to see pictures from previous retreats and information about other upcoming retreats.
Reflect on these Questions:
Do you love and accept yourself just the way you are?
Do you appreciate and honor yourself and your life’s journey so far?
Are you aware of your unique qualities and gifts and the differenct that you make in the world?
Are you BOLD and unapologetic in being your authentic self?
Do you “hold space” for yourself to do those things that restore and energize you?
Join Karin, Jazz, and Cathy for a weekend of discovery, healing, expansion, and LOVE in the midst of a lush forest where Mother Earth holds space for our journey and nourishes our souls.
Retreat Details
Cedar Cross Retreat Center
150 Cedar Cross Way
Louisburg, NC 27549
Everyone in one big house, individual beds in shared bedrooms with shared bathrooms
Healthy and nutritious meals with fruits and nuts, veggies, and various protein options; coffee & tea, snacks
$444 includes food and lodging, guided self-love journey, ceremony of love, art and other activity materials
What you need to bring:
The Retreat Center only sleeps 16, so if you are planning to attend the Love Thyself Retreat for Women and you want to lock in your spot, please RSVP by sending either full payment or a deposit of at least $50 with a note of the event name and your email address to:
Venmo @Karin-Cross-3 (to verify, the last 4 digits of the phone number is 2475)
Cash app $KarinCross
Please contact me directly if you prefer to use a credit card or check at or 919-397-2475.
Full payment is due by March 15th, (one week prior to the Retreat).
About Cedar Cross Retreat Center
Located 45 minutes to an hour outside of Raleigh, Cedar Cross offers four miles of trails through 52 acres in the woods of beautiful Franklin County, North Carolina. Bordered by creeks, ponds, and beaver marsh, the property includes a variety of natural landscapes.
The Lodge offers a large community room with a vaulted ceiling, a wall of windows, skylights, wood stove, and brick floor. It has a full kitchen and accommodates as many as 14 people.
MORE INFORMATION about Cedar Cross Retreat Center
It is NOT selfish or egotistical to pour into your own cup first, to care for and love yourself first. For it is then that you are truly able to love and care for others in a way that uplifts and benefits everyone.
Reflect on these Questions:
Do you love and accept yourself just the way you are?
Do you appreciate and honor yourself and your life’s journey so far?
Are you aware of your unique qualities and gifts and the differenct that you make in the world?
Are you BOLD and unapologetic in being your authentic self?
Do you “hold space” for yourself to do those things that restore and energize you?
Join Karin and Jasemin for a weekend of discovery, healing, expansion, and LOVE in the midst of a lush forest where Mother Earth holds space for our journey and nourishes our souls.
Retreat Details
Cedar Cross Retreat Center
150 Cedar Cross Way
Louisburg, NC 27549
Everyone in one big house, individual beds in shared bedrooms with shared bathrooms
Healthy and nutritious meals with fruits and nuts, veggies, and various protein options; coffee & tea, snacks
$333 includes food and lodging, guided self-love journey, ceremony of love, art and other activity materials
What you need to bring:
The Retreat Center only sleeps 16, so if you are planning to attend the Love Thyself Retreat for Women and you want to lock in your spot, please RSVP by sending either full payment or a deposit of at least $50 with a note of the event name and your email address to:
PayPal (Please select Friends and family to avoid fees.)
Venmo @Karin-Cross-3 (to verify, the last 4 digits of the phone number is 2475)
Cash app $KarinCross
Please contact me directly if you prefer to use a credit card or check at or 919-397-2475.
Full payment is due by March 24th, (one week prior to the Retreat).
About Cedar Cross Retreat Center
Located 45 minutes to an hour outside of Raleigh, Cedar Cross offers four miles of trails through 52 acres in the woods of beautiful Franklin County, North Carolina. Bordered by creeks, ponds, and beaver marsh, the property includes a variety of natural landscapes.
The Lodge offers a large community room with a vaulted ceiling, a wall of windows, skylights, wood stove, and brick floor. It has a full kitchen and accommodates as many as 14 people.
MORE INFORMATION about Cedar Cross Retreat Center
March Topic – “What Your Negative Feelings REALLY Mean”
Join me March 16 to learn what your negative feelings are really trying to tell you. When you understand their role in our lives, then you can begin to use them to change your current reality and your future.
I believe that life is meant to be fun and joyful, but many people are not having a lot of fun, and they’re not very joyful. For some, happiness comes very easily. Unfortunately, I’m not among this group…or at least I didn’t use to be.
Join me monthly, to learn exactly how to be Happy Anyway. In these monthly sessions you will learn how to:
• Tweak your thoughts so that they support your desire to be happy;
• Shift your perspective so that you open yourself to receive more positive people and experiences in your life;
• Focus your thoughts on what you want rather than what you do not want;
• Release aspects of the past that may be holding you back so that you can move forward;
• Let go of the outcomes so that you can enjoy the journey.
Life is too short to be unhappy when you really do have complete control over your thoughts and emotions.Understanding the Law of Attraction and other Universal Laws and applying them to my life using simple processes and exercises has helped me transform my meloncholy nature to one that is almost always Happy Anyway – regardless of the people or circumstances surrounding me. In fact, this knowledge has made such a difference in my life and the lives of friends and loved ones, I pursued it as a niche for my coaching practice and became a certified Law of Attraction coach last May. Now I want to share my journey and this wisdom with others who walk a similar path.
Recently, I’ve noticed 5 and 10 day gratitude challenges circulating around Facebook. I’ve enjoyed reading some of the posts and thought it a bit humorous when a few began to grumble about running out of ideas to jot down on their lists. Since today is my 105th consecutive day of writing 10 DIFFERENT “things” each day for which I am grateful, I thought I would share how this practice of gratitude has changed my perspective and my life.
The key to creating abundance in any area of your life – financial, love, peace, joy, fulfillment, health, etc. – is feeling abundant NOW. You have to feel it in your bones every minute of every day. Read More
If you’re unhappy at work, frustrated because you can’t find that perfect job or angry at co-workers or bosses who are ruining your life at work, I have some wisdom to share…You’re looking for “love” in all the wrong places.
Our happiness at work, and everywhere else in life, is 100% dependent on what we think about ourselves and whatever is going on in our current experience. Being happy is a choice that we make every moment of every day. The challenge is becoming aware of our thoughts and then consciously choosing thoughts that cause us to feel better about ourselves and our work.
Here are some simple things YOU can do to bring more joy and happiness into your work experience: Read More
I want to teach the world to “breathe LOVE.”
Take a deep breath. Let it out slowly…and again…and again. As you breathe in, think of whomever or whatever you are wanting to uplift or support or connect to with your love, and FEEL the essence of that love deeply and unconditionally. Just FEEL the love. As you exhale, release each breath slowly and attach to its flow the love you are feeling in this moment. Do this for 68 seconds, approximately 6 to 8 deep breaths in and out, at least once each day. I recommend this as an afternoon rejuvenating exercise. In fact, I propose we start a new workplace practice called, “the LOVE break.” J
Why feel love and why 68 seconds? Read More